Felipe Milioni

Felipe Milioni

Software Engineer


Specialist in

As a Software Engineer, I am directly involved in the creation of the product, from its conception to its implementation and validation, excelling in the stages of planning, development, sprint management and team management.

Available for projects
Anywhere in the world

About Me

Felipe Milioni

Felipe Milioni, a Software Engineer and Architecture and Urban Planning student, seeks to integrate both fields of knowledge, enabling, but not limited to, the development of software for architecture and civil construction. My expertise is further enhanced by additional important courses, such as Interior Design at EBAC and BIM methodology with Growarq.

My professional journey began independently with the creation of a digital product for online games in the field of information security, protecting players from cheaters and providing administrative tools for system resource management. After selling the company, I took on an even greater challenge by creating all the management tools for a digital marketing company from scratch, including internal systems for activity control inspired by Asana, integrations for issuing invoices and receipts, and lead management. Quickly, with the success of the results, the team grew, and I became the manager of the entire technology area of the company, overseeing team and activity management, as well as creating product prototypes for client validation.

My strengths include analytical skills and problem-solving. I quickly achieve creative and effective solutions in all areas of work, always striving for the best possible outcome. Passionate about innovation, I am constantly seeking new specific knowledge and easily learn new concepts to apply in my daily activities.

Phone: +55 44 93300-3845
Email: contato@milioni.dev
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/fmilioni

Programming languages

C / C++


React Native


English B2


Easy Join - Free plugin for Revit available in the Autodesk store

My Services

I handle all types of projects and challenges, from the simplest to the most complex.

Web Systems

I build services and products for the web, bringing your idea to life.

Mobile Apps

I take your product to the mobile world using the best technology available in the market at an affordable cost.

Desktop Apps

I ensure the best experience and compatibility when building your desktop application.

Consulting Services

I assist in the architecture and development of your software, as well as consolidating your brand with optimizations and SEO.


Work Experience

Below you will find my professional trajectory in all areas of activity.

Mist Games
Feb, 2022 - current

Web Developer

Development of management systems for internal company use, as well as websites and landing pages for products and services.

  • Development of websites using React and TypeScript with Vite and NextJS.
  • Adaptation and/or creation of layouts for UI and UX.
  • Implementation of real-time communication with WebSockets.
  • Development of SDKs for integrating proprietary SSO and other services.
  • Creation and maintenance of unit, integration, and E2E tests with Jest and Cypress.
  • Integration with payment gateways such as PayPal, Iugu, and Stripe.
Unid Comunicação
Sep, 2019 - Feb, 2022

Head of Technology

Construction and validation of product prototypes built for web and mobile in the marketing area.

  • Gathering information for the development of technological products.
  • Development of product mocks and storyboards.
  • Creation and validation of systems in the MVP phase with external customers.
  • Managing project requirements and sprints.
  • Management of the development team.
  • Developing websites using React and TypeScript.
  • Building and publishing applications using React Native with Expo.
Unid Cinemídia
Nov, 2014 - Feb, 2022

Software Engineer

Development and maintenance of internal systems for managing orders, invoices, bills, media control and other functionalities.

  • Developing websites using React and TypeScript.
  • Integration with payment gateways, issuing invoices and bank reconciliation.
  • Development and maintenance of systems for displaying videos in candy stores and video walls in commercial environments.
Game Hack Protector
Mar, 2009 - Jun, 2014

Founder & CEO

Tools for anti-cheat protection in online games.

  • Development of software for detecting and banning cheaters in online games, utilizing drivers at the Windows Kernel level.
  • Development of SDK and administrative tools for integration into third-party games.

My Education

Below are details of my academic training, highlighting my journey to improve my knowledge and skills.

Cruzeiro do Sul
Jan, 2022 - Jan, 2027

Architecture and Urban Planning

Bachelor's Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning

EBAC - Escola Britânica de Artes Criativas
Jul, 2022 - Jul, 2024

Interior Design

Professional Interior Design course

Jan, 2014 - Jan, 2019

Software Engineering

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering